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A C Twelve, 2019 g ch by Libertarian (GB) - Alcrea, Carlow Farmers (F) |
Murphy, Tommy - RED & YELLOW DIAMONDS; emerald green sleeves; emerald green cap,yellow diamonds Handler: Sheehy, E. |
A Chara (GB), 2021 f b by Gentlewave - Cara's Way, East Down (F) |
Turley, Mary - YELLOW,green cross of lorraine; yellow sleeves,green chevrons; yellow & green hooped cap Handler: Turley, Patrick Eugene |
A Country Getaway, 2019 f b by Getaway (GER) - Consider Her Lucky (GER), Duhallow (F) |
Leahy, Sean - EMERALD GREEN,yellow sash; emerald green sleeves; emerald green cap,yellow stars Handler: Archdeacon, L.J. |
A Mighty King, 2020 g ch by Shirocco (GER) - Moncherie, Kildare (F) |
Murphy, P.J. - ROYAL BLUE; dark blue sleeves; dark blue cap,royal blue spots Handler: O'Sullivan, Ross |
A Pleasant Suprise, 2019 f b by Mahler (GB) - Vicky Milan, North Kerry (H) |
Happy Valley Syndicate - BLACK,pink diabolo; black sleeves; black cap,pink diamond Handler: Mangan, Michael M. |
A Quest For Cognac, 2020 f b by Quest For Peace - The Geener's Moll, Island (F) |
The Father Murphy Partnership - ORANGE,white seams; orange sleeves,white seams; white cap Handler: Walsh, John Patrick |
A Real Banter, 2021 g b by Jet Away (GB) - Sumtin Nice, Island (F) |
Matchmaker Syndicate - SKY BLUE,navy stripe; sky blue sleeves,navy armlet; sky blue & navy striped cap Handler: James, Robert |
A Snow White Park, 2021 f b by Walk In The Park - Danali, Kilkenny(F) |
Mullins, Margaret - ROYAL BLUE; yellow sleeves; royal blue cap,red star Handler: Mullins, Margaret |
Aberfeldy, 2020 g b by Kingston Hill (GB) - Bloodstream, Wicklow (F) |
John H. & Miriam Murphy - WHITE,orange spots; orange sleeves,white spots; orange cap Handler: Murphy, Luke John |
Absolutely Certain, 2020 g b by Fracas - Absolutus (USA), Meath (F) |
O'Regan, Louise - DARK BLUE,pink hoop; dark blue sleeves,pink armlet; dark blue cap,pink star Handler: Collins, Cian M. |
Absolutely Doyen, 2020 g b by Doyen - Duffys Present, Muskerry (F) |
Lucy Kelleher & Joseph Burke Partnership - WHITE,maroon stars; emerald green sleeves; emerald green cap,maroon star Handler: Kelleher, Gerard |
Accustomed, 2020 g b by Shirocco (GER) - Solita, West Waterford (F) |
Cashman, Catherine - ROYAL BLUE,beige hoop; beige sleeves; royal blue & beige hooped cap Handler: Kelly, Jimmy |
Ace Ambition (GB), 2020 g b by Telescope - Down Ace, Carlow Farmers (F) |
Cobajay Syndicate - BLACK,red hoop; black sleeves; red cap Handler: Fitzgerald, Aidan |
Ace Brannigan, 2020 g b by Order of St George - Dancingwithbubbles, Bree (F) |
Milestone Bloodstock Ltd. - BLACK; black sleeves; green cap Handler: Bowe, Colin |
Adamas, 2020 f b by Diamond Boy (FR) - King's Reste, Bree (F) |
Acheson, B.G. - DARK BLUE; dark blue sleeves,yellow diabolo; dark blue cap,yellow star Handler: Bowe, Colin |
Afancy Getaway, 2020 f b by Getaway (GER) - Noras Fancy, Ballinagore (H) |
Baltimore Stables Syndicate - PURPLE,white seams; purple & white striped sleeves; purple cap,white stars Handler: Doyle, Mary E. |
Affinaka, 2020 g b by Affinisea - Kayanna's Back, Tipperary (F) |
Cahill, Margaret - RED & WHITE STRIPES; white sleeves,red armlet; white cap,red spots Handler: Curling, Sam |
Affiniseaandbeyond, 2021 f b by Affinisea - Role Model (FR), Killinick (H) |
Go Left Ben Syndicate - GREEN & YELLOW STRIPES; yellow sleeves; green & yellow striped cap Handler: Walsh, Benny |
Affinny, 2020 f b by Affinisea - Witchesintune (GB), Killinick (H) |
Gaynestown Stud Partnership - DARK BLUE,light blue diabolo; dark blue & light blue striped sleeves; dark blue & light blue check cap Handler: Fogarty, Jonathan M. |
After The Ball, 2021 f b by Walk In The Park - Ceilidh Royal (GB), Co.Clare (H) |
O'Connor, Carol - WHITE; emerald green sleeves; white cap Handler: O'Connor, Derek |
Agameoftwohalves, 2021 g b by Walk In The Park - Whatwillwecallher, Co.Clare (H) |
McManus, J.P. - EMERALD GREEN & ORANGE HOOPS; emerald green & orange hooped sleeves; white cap Handler: O'Connor, Derek |
Agent Argylle, 2020 g b by Mahler (GB) - Hattie Hopkinson, Island (F) |
Mossy Fen Stables Partnership - GREY,maroon diamond; grey & maroon diamond sleeves; grey cap,maroon diamonds Handler: Doyle, Eamonn M. |
Ahoghill, 2021 g b by Poet's Word - Lillando, Mid-Antrim (H) |
McBurney, P.J. - RED & ROYAL BLUE HOOPS; red sleeves,royal blue armlet; red cap,royal blue star Handler: Quinn, Gerald |
Aill Dubh, 2017 g b by Shantou (USA) - Captain Carol, Coolnakilla (H) |
Riordan, Jessica H.E. - LIGHT GREEN & DARK BLUE QTD; light green sleeves; light green & dark blue check cap Handler: Riordan, Mrs. Jeanette |
Aimforthesun, 2020 f ch by Soldier of Fortune - Byerley Sophie, Clonmel (H) |
Mrs. C.T. Ryan & Philip Brady - RED; yellow & red check sleeves; yellow & red check cap Handler: Slattery, Andrew |
Aint She Lovely (GB), 2021 f ch by Jack Hobbs (GB) - Tagrita, Ballinagore (H) |
Baltimore Stables Syndicate - PURPLE,white seams; purple & white striped sleeves; purple cap,white stars Handler: Doyle, Mary E. |
Aisling's Court, 2019 f ch by Doyen - Marble Memory, South Union (F) |
Nihill, Gerard - RED,green cross belts; red sleeves; blue cap Handler: Kelleher, Niall |
Aldworth Court, 2018 g b by Ocovango (GB) - Oscars Alice (GB), Duhallow (F) |
Merrywood Syndicate - RED & BLACK HOOPS; red sleeves; black cap,red spots Handler: O'Flynn, Niall |
Aleish Lass, 2019 f b by Vendangeur - Breaffy House Lady, Duhallow (F) |
O'Connor, Noel T. - WHITE,emerald green diabolo; white sleeves,emerald green diabolo; white cap,emerald green stars Handler: Winters, Michael |
Alfabetic, 2020 g b by Getaway (GER) - Queen Alphabet, Mid-Antrim (H) |
Dennison, W.W. - BLACK & WHITE QTD; black & white hlvd sleeves; white cap Handler: Abernethy, Cormac |
Alhoudini, 2018 g b by Alkaadhem (GB) - Tippeenan Lass, Westmeath (F) |
Lynch, Suzanne T. - PURPLE; emerald green sleeves; white cap,emerald green star Handler: Lynch, M.M. |
Allswelthatendswel, 2019 f b by Walk In The Park - Wiiphania, North Galway (F) |
Reilly, Anne - YELLOW,royal blue star; yellow sleeves,royal blue chevrons; yellow & royal blue striped cap Handler: Reilly, Charles |
Alltheattitudes, 2018 f ch by Sholokhov - No Currency, United Hunt (F) |
Ailish Lambe & Thomas J Browne - DARK BLUE,orange stripe; orange sleeves; dark blue cap Handler: Gallagher, Eamonn |
Always Groovin, 2019 f b by Court Cave - The Housekeeper, Co.Limerick (F) |
Halley, John - MAROON,white epaulettes; maroon sleeves,white chevrons; maroon & white qtd cap Handler: Halley, Josh |
Always Wanted, 2020 g b by Milan (GB) - Loughaderra Dame, Ballinagore (H) |
Sandybeach Stables Syndicate - YELLOW,red hollow box; dark blue sleeves; yellow cap Handler: O'Brien, David V. |
Alyson Dalton, 2020 f b by Kingston Hill (GB) - Jopa, West Waterford (F) |
Murphy, M. Anthony - DARK BLUE,orange epaulettes; light blue sleeves,orange armlet; light blue cap,orange star Handler: Murphy, M. Anthony |
Alzurs Thunder, 2020 g b by Affinisea - Brijomi Queen, Waterford (F) |
Power, Mrs B. - WHITE,royal blue diamond; royal blue,white diamonds sleeves & white diamond sleeves; royal blue cap,white diamond Handler: Power, Paul |
American Trio, 2021 g b by Court Cave - Aunty Matti, Island (F) |
Monbeg Farm Racing Partnership - BLACK,emerald green epaulettes; black & emerald green hooped sleeves; black & emerald green hooped cap Handler: Doyle, Cormac |
Amoroso, 2020 f ch by Berkshire - Put A Name On Her, Mullinavat&District (H) |
Tynan, Ronan - MAUVE,emerald green spots Handler: Slattery, Andrew |
An Bhoireann, 2020 g b by Diamond Boy (FR) - Mount Corkish Girl, Co.Clare (H) |
McMahon, Anne - YELLOW,royal blue triple diamond; yellow,royal blue diamonds sleeves & royal blue diamond sleeves; yellow cap,royal blue diamonds Handler: McMahon, Brian M. |
An Buachaill Rua, 2020 g ch by Getaway (GER) - Out of Africa, Wexford (F) |
Tector, R - YELLOW,brown sash; yellow sleeves; yellow & brown qtd cap Handler: Tector, Robert |
An Dun Star, 2019 g gr by Mount Nelson (GB) - Fashion's Worth, Mid-Antrim (H) |
Lynch, Michael J. - RED & BLACK QTD; red & black striped sleeves; red & black qtd cap Handler: Kelly, Noel C. |
An Puca Liath, 2020 f gr by Getaway (GER) - Miss Greylands (GB), Killinick (H) |
Hamilton, Frank - DARK BLUE,pink disc; dark blue sleeves; pink cap Handler: Martin, William J. |
And Still I Rise, 2017 g b by Ocovango (GB) - Present Your Own, Co.Clare (H) |
O'Neill, John F. - ROYAL BLUE & WHITE STRIPES; white sleeves; royal blue cap Handler: O'Neill, John F. |
Angels Dawn, 2015 f b by Yeats - Angels Guard Thee, Tipperary (F) |
Sweetnam, Alfred - RED,white sash; royal blue sleeves,white stars; red cap,royal blue star Handler: Curling, Sam |
Angely (FR), 2019 g b by Masked Marvel (GB) - Apokalypse (GER), East Antrim (H) |
Ross, Kevin - YELLOW,black diamond; yellow sleeves; yellow cap,black diamonds Handler: Ross, Kevin |
Annacassar, 2019 f b by Flemensfirth (USA) - Times Are Grey, Kildare (F) |
Anna Gannon Syndicate - RED,white star; white sleeves,red stars; red cap,white stars Handler: McCarthy, Ian |
Annamix (FR), 2013 g gr by Martaline (GB) - Tashtiyana, Carlow Farmers (F) |
Mullins, P.W. - DARK GREEN; dark green & white hooped sleeves; dark green cap,white spots Handler: Mullins, W.P. |
Annie Questions, 2018 f b br by Ask (GB) - Rock On Annie, Doneraile (H) |
Cronin, Daniel - NAVY,light green diabolo; navy sleeves,light green diabolo; navy cap,light green star Handler: Cronin, Patrick |
Annilogs Flame, 2020 f b by Walk In The Park - Flaming Annie, Bray (H) |
Stylebawn Syndicate - BLACK,yellow star; yellow sleeves; black & yellow qtd cap Handler: Dunne, Riceal |
Annilogs Force, 2020 g b by Workforce (GB) - Annie's Way, Bray (H) |
Stylebawn Syndicate - BLACK,yellow star; yellow sleeves; black & yellow qtd cap Handler: Dunne, Riceal |
Anodandawink, 2021 g b by Maxios (GB) - Wink Wink, Co.Clare (H) |
McManus, J.P. - EMERALD GREEN & ORANGE HOOPS; emerald green & orange hooped sleeves; white cap Handler: O'Connor, Derek |
Another Belter, 2019 g b by Valirann (FR) - Mighty Star, Kildare (F) |
O'Neill, Paul R. - ORANGE,black disc; orange sleeves,black spots; orange & black hooped cap Handler: Walsh, David K. |
Another Notion, 2020 g b by Milan (GB) - Colleen Donnoige, Ballinagore (H) |
Baltimore Stables Syndicate - PURPLE,white seams; purple & white striped sleeves; purple cap,white stars Handler: Doyle, Mary E. |
Anyoneforsnacks, 2020 g b by Yeats - Gift From Milan, Killinick (H) |
Run for Fun Partnership - PURPLE,pink stripe; purple sleeves; purple cap,pink star Handler: Berry, D.P. |
Aone Diamond, 2018 f b by Affinisea - Armanatta, Kilkenny(F) |
Delaney, Sean Jospeh - WHITE,emerald green chevrons; white & yellow hooped sleeves; white cap,emerald green star Handler: Barcoe, James M. |
Apache Tribe, 2020 g ch by Jukebox Jury - Sacral Nirvana (FR), Ballinagore (H) |
Murphy, Denis Paul - ORANGE,white epaulettes; white sleeves; orange cap,white star Handler: Murphy, Denis Paul |
Aqua Force, 2019 f b by Workforce (GB) - Before The Flood, Tipperary (F) |
Gunn, Teresa - LIGHT BLUE,yellow stars; yellow sleeves; yellow cap,light blue star Handler: Gunn, M.A. |
Arabian Diamond, 2018 g b by Getaway (GER) - Fantastic Fleur (GER), Meath (F) |
McManus, Ann Marie - MAROON & RED DIAMONDS Handler: Elliott, Gordon |
Arcadian Emperor (FR), 2021 g b by Kamsin (GER) - Allegro Lady (GER), Tipperary (F) |
Curling, Sam - NAVY & GREY CHECK; navy & grey check sleeves; white cap Handler: Curling, Sam |
Arctic Beag, 2020 f b by Arctic Cosmos (USA) - Eala Beag, Duhallow (F) |
Archdeacon, Michelle - LIGHT GREEN,yellow sash; light green sleeves; light green cap,yellow star Handler: Archdeacon, L.J. |
Arctic Princess, 2020 f b by Arctic Cosmos (USA) - Wasmi, Wexford (F) |
O'Connor, Denis G. - RED,yellow diamond; black sleeves,yellow armlet; black cap Handler: Byrne, Thomas |
Ardcath, 2020 g b by Wings of Eagles (FR) - Bobarlee, Ward Union (S) |
McGuinness, Alana Jane - DARK BLUE,white diabolo; dark blue sleeves,white diabolo; dark blue cap,white diamond Handler: Donoghue, Ian Patrick |
Ardtanagh, 2020 f b by Soldier of Fortune - Listentothewomen, Co.Down (S) |
McCaldin, Alan - PURPLE & LIGHT BLUE QTD; purple sleeves,light blue armlet; purple & light blue qtd cap Handler: McCaldin, Caroline |
Are You Joking, 2021 g b br by Crystal Ocean (GB) - Faithfulness, Co.Clare (H) |
McManus, J.P. - EMERALD GREEN & ORANGE HOOPS; emerald green & orange hooped sleeves; white cap Handler: O'Connor, Derek |
Areyouactually, 2019 f gr by Jukebox Jury - No One Tells Me (GB), Bree (F) |
Milestone Bloodstock Ltd. - BLACK; black sleeves; green cap Handler: Bowe, Colin |
Argento Royale (FR), 2021 g gr by Beaumec De Houelle (FR) - Rockburn (FR), Bree (F) |
Milestone Bloodstock Ltd. - BLACK; black sleeves; green cap Handler: Bowe, Colin |
Arkhill, 2019 g ch by Mount Nelson (GB) - Solariza (FR), Kildare (F) |
Outback Syndicate - BLACK; white sleeves; red & yellow qtd cap Handler: O'Sullivan, Ross |
Arklow, 2020 f b by Workforce (GB) - Dempseys Luck, Shillelagh & District (F) |
Kenny, Michael - YELLOW,black chevron; yellow sleeves,black spots; yellow & black qtd cap Handler: Roche, Kieran |
Arthor, 2017 g ch by Flemensfirth (USA) - Presenting Juno, United Hunt (F) |
Castle Conna Syndicate - RED & LIGHT BLUE STRIPES; red & light blue hooped sleeves; red & light blue striped cap Handler: Mangan, James Joseph |
Arverne (FR), 2015 g b by Doctor Dino (FR) - Argovie (FR), Ward Union (S) |
Danestown Racing Partnership - DARK BLUE & WHITE HOOPS; dark blue & white hooped sleeves; red cap Handler: Cromwell, Gavin |
Ash Hobbs, 2021 f br by Jack Hobbs (GB) - Fly Town, Island (F) |
Dunne, Harley Dean - RED; red sleeves,black stars; red cap,black star Handler: Dunne, Harley Dean |
Ask D'man, 2014 g ch by Ask (GB) - Vie En Rose, Fermanagh (H) |
S.J. Hegarty & Jennifer O'Kane - PURPLE,yellow stars; yellow & red striped sleeves; red cap,black star Handler: Christie, D.M. |
Ask Mike, 2017 g b by Ask (GB) - Southern Squaw, Kilkenny(F) |
Light Syndicate - EMERALD GREEN,yellow sash; emerald green sleeves; yellow cap,emerald green star Handler: Butler, Michael |
Asphalt Cowboy, 2018 g b by Getaway (GER) - Party Belle (GB), Kildare (F) |
Kilduff, Mary N. - PINK,navy stars; pink sleeves; navy cap Handler: Carey, S.G. |
Astley, 2020 g b by Order of St George - All My Judges (GB), East Antrim (H) |
McNeilly, Karen - BLACK,red diamond; black sleeves,red stars; red cap,black star Handler: McNeilly, Karen |
At Mangan Bridge, 2018 g b by Yeats - Miss McGoldrick, Island (F) |
Kavanagh, Francis - RED,white hollow box; red sleeves; black cap Handler: Doyle, Sean Thomas |
Atlantic Weather, 2019 g b by Atlantic Waves - Tis Raining, West Waterford (F) |
Dolan, Sean G. - DARK BLUE,yellow chevron; grey sleeves; grey cap Handler: Hannon, James William |
Atomic Level, 2019 g b by Diamond Boy (FR) - Mugs In Milan, Ballinagore (H) |
Monbeg Syndicate - EMERALD GREEN,orange spots; white sleeves,orange spots; emerald green cap Handler: Doyle, Donnchadh |
Au Fleuron (FR), 2017 g b by Crillon (FR) - La Pelodette (FR), Fermanagh (H) |
Ray Nicholas & Dr. Sam Campbell - ORANGE,emerald green chevrons; orange sleeves; orange & emerald green hooped cap Handler: Christie, D.M. |
August Rain, 2019 g b by Shantaram (GB) - Black Rock Lake, Duhallow (F) |
Ott, Alexander - BLUE,yellow chevrons; blue cap,yellow stars Handler: Ott, Alexander |
Augustus John, 2020 g b by Milan (GB) - Banbury Cross, Co.Clare (H) |
O'Connor, Carol - WHITE; emerald green sleeves; white cap Handler: O'Connor, Derek |
Aurora Breeze, 2020 f b by Mount Nelson (GB) - Stowaway Essie, Ballinagore (H) |
Cullen House Syndicate - ROYAL BLUE,orange braces; orange sleeves; royal blue & orange striped cap Handler: Flynn O'Connor, Matthew |
Autumn Philtre, 2016 g b by Kalanisi - Shirleyrockstar, Golden Vale (F) |
Keegan, Charles P. - ROYAL BLUE,red epaulettes; royal blue sleeves,red armlet; red cap,royal blue star Handler: Keegan, Charles P. |
Avondale Ruby, 2018 f b by Policy Maker - Hannah Rose, West Waterford (F) |
Sweeney, Maurice - WHITE,royal blue star; white sleeves,royal blue armlet; pink cap,white star Handler: Sweeney, Maurice |
Axel Bleue (GB), 2020 g bl by Axxos (GER) - Sula Bleue (GB), Bree (F) |
Milestone Bloodstock Ltd. - BLACK; black sleeves; green cap Handler: Bowe, Colin |
Axmediffrent, 2018 g b by Ask (GB) - Eadestown Lady, West Waterford (F) |
Kelly, Shauna - ROYAL BLUE,yellow cross of lorraine; red sleeves,white chevrons; red cap,white star Handler: Kelly, Jimmy |
Ayyadieh, 2021 g b by Westerner (GB) - Cappa Or, Co.Clare (H) |
O'Connor, Carol - WHITE; emerald green sleeves; white cap Handler: O'Connor, Derek |
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